
Life in a Cumbrian Village

St Mary's Church, Walks

St Mary’s Church Sponsored Walk. Sunday, 4th October 2015

St Mary’s Church Sponsored Walk

On Sunday, 4th October cars set off from many parts of the Parish to meet up at Rydal in the Lake District for our annual sponsored walk. This year we planned to do what is often referred to as “The Coffin Route”. I am pleased to say that our travels were so much more enjoyable than the name of the route suggested. Our walk took us on a path above Rydal Mount with views across Rydal Water. The autumn colours had begun to appear and the rain held off all day. A morning break with scones gave us all the energy we needed to make our way down to Grasmere village where we had lunch. After refreshments we walked along the western shores of Grasmere Lake and then up the fell side to give us our best views of Rydal Water and the hills beyond. The walk gave us the opportunity of a lovely community day where we were able to catch up with friends and acquaintances. We would like to thank all those who volunteered to come on the walk, giving of their time and their money! Particular thanks must go to Geoff and Bud and all those who supported their efforts through sponsorship. Your generosity is very much appreciated.
