Cumwhitton Summer Celebrations in the Play Park. Saturday, 10th July, 21 March 23rd, 2021Off
We are all looking forward to the time when our Parish community can get together after a very long period of restrictions placed on social gatherings.
Walking in the Parish during “Lock Down” August 11th, 2020Off
Most clouds have a silver lining
As I sit down to write this article the radio announcer has informed us that it is exactly one hundred days since “lock down” began. -
“Cumwhitton at War” Exhibition July 2019 July 11th, 2019Off
Cumwhitton celebrated “Peace Day” with a very well received exhibition in the Village Hall.
Coffee Morning 2019. Last Thursday of each month February 18th, 2019Off
The Parish Coffee Morning takes place on the last Thursday of each month in the Village Hall at Cumwhitton. Coffee, tea and the best cakes for miles around are served between 10.
Hornsby Gate from Scarrowhill. March 2018 April 1st, 2018Off
St Mary’s Church, Cumwhitton January 12th, 2018Off
River Eden at Fishgarth January 12th, 2018Off
Beating the Boundary Stone on Rogation Sunday May 25th, 2017Off
The River Eden at Fishgarth January 12th, 2017Off
Autumn in Hornsby November 18th, 2016Off