
Life in a Cumbrian Village


Cumwhitton Parish Community Partnership. Minutes. Wednesday, 8th Jan 2020

Minutes of the Meeting of the CPCP held on Wednesday, 8th January 2020 at
The Village Hall, Cumwhitton at 7:30 pm

Minutes: Minutes of the meeting held on 6th November 2019 were approved and signed off by the Chairman as a true record.
Treasurer’s report: The treasurer outlined the financial position of the CPCP. There are sufficient funds to cover known expenses for the forthcoming year. Maintenance expenses for the past year, primarily for grass cutting, have been paid. Monies from the Graham Trust has been gratefully received. The Annual Play Park Inspection Report has arrived and has been paid for.
Secretary’s report: the Annual registration for the Small Societies Lottery Subscription has been completed and paid for. The Annual Submission Statement to Companies House was completed in December and paid for. A “Thank you” gift voucher was sent to Miss Nixon in appreciation of the tremendous work she does to support the publication of the Candlestick News.
Group reports:
St Mary’s Church: The Church Warden reported that the Christmas Season Services were well attended. The programme of maintenance continues with the plastering of the porch and internal window surrounds being the next major undertaking.
Parish Council: a request will be made to the Parish Council to cover the annual servicing costs of the Parish War Memorial Clock. The Parish Council support for last year’s editions of the Candlestick News was very much appreciated and it is hoped that the same support will be forthcoming during the next financial year.
Cumwhitton Play Park: the Annual Inspection Report has been received and there were no issues of concern. With the aim of supporting new developments of the Play Park the CPCP are investigating the possibility of registering as a Charity. This issue will be addressed at future meetings. A letter of thanks is to be sent to Mr A. Hunter in appreciation of his tremendous contributions made towards the maintenance and upkeep of the Play Park. The committee will be seeking to make alternative arrangements for grass cutting and general maintenance.
A.O.B.: Delivery routes for the Candlestick News were discussed and it is hoped that through “Cumwhitton Crack” we may seek additional volunteers to distribute the magazine. Litter picking arrangements were finalised. This event is due to take place on 14th March with volunteers meeting at the Village Hall at 10:30 am. Carol Singing in Cumwhitton raised £132:90. Many thanks to those who took part as well as those who donated so generously.
Proposed date for next meeting: Tuesday, 17th March, 2020 at 7.30pm in the Village Hall.
